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Voice Access
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BASIC Source File
232 lines
Attribute VB_Name = "VoiceAccess"
'Module recycled and modified from my Voice Recognition program:
'Author: Licar Bogdan (copyright).
'Description: Functions for comparing sounds. It bases on heuristic-statistic
' methods. Perhaps there are other more efficient methods to to this.
' I've included 2 other comparing functions, without using them in
' this project.
Option Explicit
'Variables used in more routines
Public Waves() As String, CommandsFld As String
Sub LoadWave(ByVal Path As String, values() As Double, Y() As Double)
Dim j As Long, Buff As Long, Yrate As Double
Dim Min As Double, Max As Double
'Not using other variables just for lack of will:
'values(0)=the startpoint of the important part
'values(1)=the endpoint " "
'values(3)=number of low peaks
'values(4)=number of high peaks
On Error Resume Next
'Reads it and registers all values in an array
j = 44 'Set i To 44, since the wave sample begins at Byte 44.
Open Path For Random As #1
Get #1, j, Buff
j = j + 1: ReDim Preserve values(j)
values(j) = Buff
If Buff > Max Then Max = Buff
If Buff < Min Then Min = Buff
Loop Until EOF(1)
Close #1
'Change the values of the *.wav in cartesian coordinates
Yrate = (Max - Min) / (500)
For j = 44 To UBound(values)
ReDim Preserve Y(j - 43)
Y(j - 43) = (values(j) / Yrate)
'Count peaks above/below a certain constant
If Y(j - 43) > (500 / 3.5) Then values(4) = values(4) + 1
If Y(j - 43) < (-500 / 3.5) Then values(3) = values(3) + 1
Next j
'Loops for isolating the important part of the wave file
For j = 1 To UBound(Y) - 1 'The beginning of the "talking" part
If (Abs(Y(j) - Y(j + 1))) > 100 Then values(0) = j: Exit For
Next j
For j = UBound(Y) To 1 Step -1 'The end of the "talking"
If (Abs(Y(j) - Y(j - 1))) > 100 Then values(1) = j: Exit For
Next j
End Sub
Function SearchCommand(ByVal Path As String) As String
Dim values1() As Double, values2() As Double, Y1() As Double, Y2() As Double
Dim i As Long, MatchLevel() As Integer, MaxMatchLevel As Integer
GetWaves CommandsFld, Waves
LoadWave Path, values2, Y2
ReDim MatchLevel(UBound(Waves))
For i = 1 To UBound(Waves)
LoadWave CommandsFld & Waves(i), values1, Y1
If AccessGranted(Y1, Y2, values1(0), values1(1), values2(0), _
values2(1), values1(4), values1(3), values2(4), values2(3), MatchLevel(i)) = True Then SearchCommand = CommandsFld & Waves(i)
'In case more sounds match, it searches for the sound with the greatest
'MatchLevel. If you find other solutions to this possible problem, let me know.
If MatchLevel(i) > MaxMatchLevel Then MaxMatchLevel = i
Next i
If Waves(MaxMatchLevel) = "" Then Exit Function
SearchCommand = CommandsFld & Waves(MaxMatchLevel)
End Function
Function AccessGranted(Y1() As Double, Y2() As Double, ByVal StartPoint1 As Long, _
ByVal Endpoint1 As Long, ByVal StartPoint2 As Long, ByVal EndPoint2 As Long, ByVal HighPeaks1, _
ByVal LowPeaks1, ByVal HighPeaks2, ByVal Lowpeaks2, MatchLevel As Integer) As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
'Result based on the number of high/low peaks and on statistics of the whole "important part".
'If you find a better way to verify waves, please let me know.
'On Error Resume Next
'It considers match levels (i.e. a more/less compatible sound than another). More
'predefined commands could match with the recorded sound, so it verifies which command
'is more similar to the recorded sound.
AccessGranted = True
Do While AccessGranted = True
i = i + 1
If Abs(UBound(Y1) - UBound(Y2)) > 250 Then AccessGranted = False: Exit Function
If (Abs(HighPeaks1 - HighPeaks2) <= 20 - i) And (Abs(LowPeaks1 - Lowpeaks2) <= 20 - i) And _
(Abs(ArithmeticMean(Y1, StartPoint1, Endpoint1) - ArithmeticMean(Y2, StartPoint2, EndPoint2)) < 8 - i) And _
(Abs(StandardDeviation(Y1, StartPoint1, Endpoint1) - StandardDeviation(Y2, StartPoint2, EndPoint2)) < 20 - i) Then
MatchLevel = i
AccessGranted = True
AccessGranted = False
End If
End Function
Function ArithmeticMean(vals() As Double, ByVal StartPoint As Long, ByVal EndPoint As Long) As Single
Dim i As Long, result As Single
On Error Resume Next
For i = StartPoint To EndPoint
result = result + vals(i)
Next i
ArithmeticMean = result / (EndPoint - StartPoint)
End Function
Function StandardDeviation(vals() As Double, ByVal StartPoint As Long, ByVal EndPoint As Long) As Double
Dim i As Long, Am As Single, result As Double
On Error Resume Next
Am = ArithmeticMean(vals(), StartPoint, EndPoint)
For i = StartPoint To EndPoint
result = result + ((vals(i) - Am) ^ 2)
Next i
StandardDeviation = Format(Sqr(result / (EndPoint - StartPoint)), "#.##")
End Function
Sub GetWaves(ByVal Path As String, Files() As String)
Dim result() As String, filename As String, count As Long
'Returns an array with all the wave files in a folder
filename = Dir$(Path)
Do While Len(filename)
If LCase(Right$(filename, 3)) = "wav" Then
count = count + 1
ReDim Preserve result(count)
result(count) = filename
End If
filename = Dir$
Files = result
End Sub
Function GetFileName(ByVal Path As String, Optional Extension As Boolean = True) As String
Dim i As Integer, str As String, iStart As Integer
If Extension = True Then
iStart = 1
ElseIf Extension = False Then
iStart = Len(Path) - InStr(1, Path, ".") + 2
End If
For i = iStart To Len(Path)
str = str & Mid$(StrReverse(Path), i, 1)
If Mid$(StrReverse(Path), i + 1, 1) = "\" Then str = StrReverse(str): Exit For
Next i
GetFileName = str
End Function
'If you're not satisfied of the result with AccessGranted, try these 2 functions.
'I suggest the Statistic_Comparison, since is much more reliable.
Function PointToPoint_Comparison(vals1() As Double, vals2() As Double, _
ByVal StartPoint1 As Long, ByVal Endpoint1 As Long, ByVal StartPoint2 _
As Long, ByVal EndPoint2 As Long) As Double
Dim j As Long, i As Long, Same As Long, ErrRange As Integer
On Error Resume Next
ErrRange = 10
'Compares each value of the default sound with the near values of the sound used
'for the matching process. It leaves a small range of error. With a greater number
'than 10, there are more chances the sounds to match, but they could also be different,
'giving a high percentage of matching.
'This is a not so highly efficient method.
For j = 1 To (Endpoint1 - StartPoint1)
If j = EndPoint2 Then Exit For
For i = -2 To 2
If (Abs(vals1(StartPoint1 + j) - vals2(StartPoint2 + j + i))) < ErrRange Then Same = Same + 1: Exit For
Next i
Next j
PointToPoint_Comparison = Format((Same * 100) / (Endpoint1 - StartPoint1), "#.##")
End Function
Function Statistic_Comparison(vals1() As Double, vals2() As Double, ByVal StartPoint1 _
As Long, ByVal Endpoint1 As Long, ByVal StartPoint2 As Long, ByVal EndPoint2 As Long) As Double
Dim i As Long, j As Long, Same2 As Long, ErrRange As Integer, v1() As Double, v2() As Double, ArrSize As Integer
ArrSize = 20
ReDim v1(ArrSize): ReDim v2(ArrSize)
On Error Resume Next
'This could be done also by dividing the wave in totally separate parts and analyze them
For j = 1 To (Endpoint1 - StartPoint1)
If (j + StartPoint2) > EndPoint2 Then Exit For
For i = 1 To ArrSize
v1(i) = vals1(StartPoint1 + j + i): v2(i) = vals2(StartPoint2 + j + i)
Next i
If (Abs(ArithmeticMean(v1, LBound(v1), UBound(v1)) - _
ArithmeticMean(v2, LBound(v2), UBound(v2)))) < 5 And _
(Abs(StandardDeviation(v1, LBound(v1), UBound(v1)) - _
StandardDeviation(v2, LBound(v2), UBound(v2)))) < 15 Then Same2 = Same2 + 1
Next j
'I think it's better than the point-to-point technique.
Statistic_Comparison = Format((Same2 * 100) / Round(Endpoint1 - StartPoint1), "#.##")
End Function
'School sucks.